Encrypting traffic to a remote syslog-ng server including SSL peer authentication
1. Install stunnel and syslog-ng on all machines.
2. Create certificates for all machines. On RedHat 9 and similar machines, you can do the following as root:
# cd /usr/share/ssl/certs
# make syslog-ng-server.pem
# make syslog-ng-client.pem
3. Place copies of syslog-ng-server.pem on all machines in /etc/stunnel with one important alteration. The clients only need the certificate section of syslog-ng-server.pem. In other words, remove the private key section from syslog-ng-server.pem on all clients.
Place every client's syslog-ng-client.pem in /etc/stunnel. For server, create a special syslog-ng-client.pem containing the certificate sections for all clients and place in /etc/stunnel. In other words, remove the private key sections from all syslog-ng-client.pem files and concatenate what is left to create server's special syslog-ng-client.pem.
4. Give only root ownership, read and write permissions for certificates.
5. On server, create /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf containing the following
server IP address accordingly:
cert = /etc/stunnel/syslog-ng-server.pem
CAfile = /etc/stunnel/syslog-ng-client.pem
verify = 3
accept = server IP address:5140
connect =
On clients, create /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf containing the following
server IP address accordingly:
client = yes
cert = /etc/stunnel/syslog-ng-client.pem
CAfile = /etc/stunnel/syslog-ng-server.pem
verify = 3
accept =
connect = server IP address:5140
6. On server, create the following in /etc/syslog-ng.conf:
options { long_hostnames(off);
chain_hostnames(no); };
source src {unix-stream("/dev/log");
source stunnel {tcp(ip("")
destination remoteclient {file("/var/log/remoteclient");};
destination dest {file("/var/log/messages");};
log {source(src); destination(dest);};
log {source(stunnel); destination(remoteclient);};
On clients, create the following in /etc/syslog-ng.conf:
options {long_hostnames(off);
source src {unix-stream("/dev/log"); pipe("/proc/kmsg");
destination dest {file("/var/log/messages");};
destination stunnel {tcp("" port(514));};
log {source(src);destination(dest);};
log {source(src);destination(stunnel);};
(See syslog-ng documentation for more sophisticated syslog-ng.conf alternatives.)
7. Open necessary ports with regards to packet filtering and TCP wrappers.
8. On all machines, add the following lines to boot procedure and execute them now:
# stunnel
# syslog-ng -f /etc/syslog-ng.conf
Please send questions and comments to Christian Seberino (chris at pythonsoft dot com).
From http://www.stunnel.org/examples/syslog-ng.html
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