

Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (8)
Updated: 2.2.2-r2
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mirrorselect - A tool which helps to select rsync and distfiles mirrors for Gentoo



mirrorselect [options]



-h, --help
Print a usage summary and exit.
Show program's version number and exit.

Main modes

-a, --all
This will present a list of all filtered search results to make it possible to select mirrors you wish to use. For the -r, --rsync option, it will select the rotation server only. As multiple rsync URL's are not supported.
-D, --deep
Deep mode. This is used to give a more accurate speed test. It will download a 100k file from each server. Because of this you should only use this option if you have a good connection.
-i, --interactive
Interactive Mode, this will present a list to make it possible to select mirrors you wish to use.

Server type selection (choose at most one)

-c COUNTRY , --country COUNTRY
Only use mirrors from the specified country. NOTE: Names with a space must be quoted
    eg.:  -c 'South Korea'
-F, --ftp
ftp only mode. Will not consider hosts of other types.
-H, --http
http only mode. Will not consider hosts of other types.
-r, --rsync
rsync mode. Allows you to interactively select your rsync mirror.
 Requires -i to be used.
-R REGION , --region REGION
Only use mirrors from the specified region. NOTE: Names with a space must be quoted.
    eg.:  -R 'North America'
-4, --ipv4
only use IPv4.
-6, --ipv6
only use IPv6.

Other options

-b BLOCKSIZE , --blocksize BLOCKSIZE
This is to be used in automatic mode and will split the hosts into blocks of BLOCKSIZE for use with netselect. This is required for certain routers which block 40+ requests at any given time. Recommended parameters to pass are: -s 3 -b 10
Debug mode.
-f FILE , --file FILE
An alternate file to download for deep testing. Please choose the file carefully as to not abuse the system by selecting an overly large size file. You must also use the -m, --md5 option.
-m MD5 , --md5 MD5
An alternate file md5sum value used to compare the downloaded file against for deep testing.
-o, --output
Output Only Mode, this is especially useful when being used during installation, to redirect output to a file other than /etc/portage/make.conf.
-P PROXY , --proxy PROXY
Proxy server to use if not the default proxy in the environment.
-q, --quiet
Quiet mode.
-s SERVERS , -servers SERVERS
Specify Number of servers for Automatic Mode to select. this is only valid for download mirrors. If this is not specified, a default of 1 is used.
-t TIMEOUT , -timeout TIMEOUT
Timeout for deep mode. Defaults to 10 seconds.




Autoselect the 5 best mirrors and save results in /etc/portage/make.conf, a backup will be created.

# mirrorselect -s5

Autoselect the 3 best mirrors, use a BLOCKSIZE of 10 and append the output to /etc/portage/make.conf.

# mirrorselect -s3 -b10 -o >> /etc/portage/make.conf

Autoselect the 4 best mirrors, it also loads a 100k file from each mirror. The result will be written to /etc/portage/make.conf, a backup will be created.

# mirrorselect -D -s4


Start mirrorselect in interactive mode to select rsync mirrors.

# mirrorselect -i -r



Colin Kingsley <tercel@gentoo.org>

Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org>

Sebastian Pipping <sebastian@pipping.org>

Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>

Brian Dolbec <dolsen@gentoo.org>

Douglas Freed <dwfreed@mtu.edu>



Please report any bugs to http://bugs.gentoo.org



Main modes
Server type selection (choose at most one)
Other options