Combining Commands with For
This tip shows you how to run similar commands in a loop to avoid typing in the same command over and over again. For example, untarring several tar.gz files. Or perhaps renaming files with similar extensions.
Code Listing 1: for and tar
# for n in *.tar.gz; do tar -zxvf $n; done
This next instance demonstrates removing the .dist extension of several files.
Code Listing 2: for and mv
# for n in *.dist; do mv $n `basename $n .dist`; done
If necessary, you could combine it with find to rename all .phtml files in /home/httpd/htdocs to .php
Code Listing 3: for and find
# cd /home/httpd/htdocs # for n in `find -type f -name '*.phtml'`; do mv $n `basename $n .phtml`.php; done
From http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20030609-newsletter.xml
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