Implementing a command line thesaurus
Many people make use of dict to lookup word definitions. (If this is new to you, try dict word). Sometimes what we need instead of a dictionary is a thesaurus. This week's tip demonstrates a script to do just that.
Note: You need html2text installed before using this script.
Code Listing 1: ~/bin/thes
#!/bin/sh #-------- # Command line thesaurus BROWSER="/usr/bin/lynx -source" WEBSITE="http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?q=$1" HTML2TEXT="/usr/bin/html2text -style compact" if test $1; then ${BROWSER} ${WEBSITE} | ${HTML2TEXT} | ${PAGER} else echo "Usage: $0 word" exit 1 fiTo use this script, name it thes, make it executable, and make sure that it's in your $PATH. Then, run the script followed by the word you're interested in.
Code Listing 2
$ thes word
From http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20040531-newsletter.xml
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