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Adding Users with SuperadduserAdding users to a system can be tedious. It involves creating an account, setting a password, and creating a home directory. This tip shows how to make adding users easier with the use of superadduser. Code Listing 1: Install superadduser # emerge app-admin/superadduser or # apt-get install superadduser or ... Using superadduser is very easy. Just run the command and follow the prompts. Code Listing 2: Using superadduser // Replace the examples with your own information # superadduser Login name for new user [ ]: johndoe User id for johndoe [ defaults to next available]: Initial group for johndoe [ users]: Additional groups for johndoe (seperated with commas, no spaces) []: johndoe's home directory [ /home/johndoe]: johndoe's shell [ /bin/bash]: johndoe's account expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD) [ ]: OK, I'm about to make a new account. Here's what you entered so far: New login name: johndoe New UID: [ Next available]
Initial group: users Additional groups: Home directory: /home/johndoe Shell: /bin/bash Expiry date: [ no expiration]
This is it... if you want to bail out, hit Control-C. Otherwise, press ENTER to go ahead and make the account. ENTER Making new account... Changing the user information for johndoe Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default Full Name [ ]: John Doe Room Number [ ]: Work Phone [ ]: Home Phone [ ]: Other [ ]: New UNIX password: user_password Retype new UNIX password: user_password Done... From rate this article:current rating: average rating: 1.2 (74 votes) (1=very good 6=terrible) Your rating: back