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A Quick and Easy Password GeneratorThis short tutorial shows you how to quickly generate a list of passwords using /dev/urandom, and uuencode. Code Listing 1 % dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | uuencode -m - | sed -ne 2p | cut -c-8 v1/oVN+S The options for the cut command indicate the length of the password generated (in this case, 8 characters). This could easily be expanded to generate a whole list of passwords using the for command. Code Listing 2 % for ((n=0;n<10;n++)); do dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | uuencode -m -| sed -ne 2p | cut -c-8; done rSQpeNNr PesAIgAb GUEgoUwT U3p+kfqa WSgSwgq6 +9aGihvl dYfcaV3b guFtI7eZ +kzKuW0f jJpW/8yO To create a longer or shorter list, just change the limit in for (in this case 10). If you want to generate WEP keys for wireless networking, you can use a similar procedure, replacing uuencode with md5sum: Code Listing 3 % dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum | cut -c-26 aaab69457c239ef1d52617d1fa Adapted from rate this article:current rating: average rating: 1.4 (172 votes) (1=very good 6=terrible) Your rating: back